Dumb Ways Jr Zanys Hospital

Dumb Ways Jr Zanys Hospital is a game from the Dumb Ways To Die series. In the hospital, players will encounter small characters who are awaiting examination. Assist Dr. Zany by moving continuously between three areas: the waiting area, the control room, and the ambulance.

There are a number of unexpected situations that can arise. You must calmly solve all problems. Manage everything as efficiently as possible. You can interact with various characters and objects and solve intriguing puzzles. This is when you should apply your creative thinking. Complete tasks to the best of your ability, ensure patient satisfaction, and assist them in returning home as soon as possible.

Dumb Ways Jr Zanys Hospital Playing Sequence

Begin in the waiting room by assisting Loopy, Dumbbell, Madcap, and Boffo to weigh and measure themselves. Sick people can keep themselves entertained by watching TV and changing the channel whenever they want.

At the clinic, the characters must undergo a general health check, which includes taking their temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Review and thoroughly examine each patient's problem. Treat every patient.

The ambulance will transport the characters to the hospital. Each character experiences unique circumstances. Lax has stomach problems. He feels extremely uncomfortable and keeps vomiting. This is unbelievable! Bees surround Doofus as he attempts to extract honey from the hive. Mishap had a rattlesnake wrapped around him.


How To Play

To interact, use the mouse.

Versions of Dumb Ways to Die

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