Boxing Gang Stars

Welcome to Boxing Gang Stars. This is a 2-player boxing sports game. In the ring, you attempt to defeat your opponent. The game has two modes: 1 player and 2 players. In 1-player mode, you will have to take down AI opponents. In the other mode, however, you can fight with real boxers. Start the match now!


Punch down your opponent with powerful and accurate punches. Or you can also punch your opponent multiple times with continuous attacks. This game can be physics-based. From there, come up with the best actions and tactics. Determine the position in which your opponent is standing, and then perform a series of precise actions on the right target. The more you hit your opponent, the more you increase your chances of winning. Remember to fight and defend at the same time. Dodge punches from your opponent. Become the strongest boxer!


How To Play

Player 1

  • W/A/S/D = Move
  • F/G = Left/Right Punch
  • T = Heavy punch

Player 2

  • Arrow keys = Move
  • K/L = Left/Right Punch
  • O = Heavy Punch
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