Fire And Ice Elves 2

Continuing Part 1, Fire And Ice Elves 2 continues the story of Fireboy and Icegirl. Help the two elements overcome the challenges of collecting diamonds. Move from one location to another with both characters' efforts.

The gameplay and graphics are similar to those of Fire And Ice Elves. But the interesting thing is that the maps have changed, with many new and surprising challenges. In the early levels, you just have to run and jump from platform to platform to reach the victory sign. Icegirl has the ability to freeze water, allowing Fireboy to pass through it. Fireboy is able to put out the fire, allowing Icegirl to pass. Or, in some cases, two characters have to support each other to jump to higher platforms.

In later levels, the difficulty gradually increases, and the map you play on becomes more complicated. You also encounter missiles that explode many objects. Activate the switch to open another, less difficult path. This is also the time when your movements must be more flexible than before. The game includes 20 different levels with beautiful graphics.


How To Play

Use WASD or arrows to move.

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